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I believe


Share your faith with those closest to you.


Vision: To get all reborn Christians across denominations, worldwide to actively witness for Jesus.

Share the gospel by all means



Why Witnessing Week

Towards the end of 2016 Andries and Debbie took a flight from Johannesburg to Cape town South Africa. It was on the flight that Andries believed the Holy Spirit spoke to him by showing him a Muslim lady on the flight dressed in Muslim attire. The Holy Spirit asked Andries what he saw and he relpied, "a Muslim lady." Everything about this lady spoke about her conviction and her religion. The Holy Spirit then asked him to look infront of him and then asked him," What do you see?", Andries could only say "people" as it was impossible to see whether anyone else on the plane had any religious conviction or if they were Reborn Christians. It was on this flight that the vision was born of a witnessing week.

How Will It Work?

One of the greater challenges that Christians around the world face is the fear to engage in a witnessing conversation about Jesus. The perception amongst many Christians is that they are not equipped well enough to witness to a non believer because they can not quote Bible verses. 

Andries believes that every reborn Christian has a story to tell that is simply made up of why they came to believe in Jesus. For some it may be that Jesus healed them from a sickness and for others it may be deliverance and others will testify of the great love that God has for man-kind through sending His Son Jesus to die for our sins.

Reborn Christians are being called up to wear a visible token that is made up of a cross with the wording "I believe- ask me why" during Witnessing Week to help them to overcome the fear of initiating a conversation and secondly inviting people into a conversation about Jesus. 

Jesus tells the parable about the sower in Matthew 13. We are all called to sow the seed of the Good News. It is not for us to decide who will accept the good news or not as the parable tells us that the seed was sowed on rocks, between thorns, and on good soil. The reason for this was that the sower was expecting a great harvest. We can not convince somebody else to believe- this is the work of the Holy Spirit who convicts people of their sin and brings them to the point of salvation. Sometimes we sow, sometimes we cultivate and sometimes we bring in the harvest.


If reborn Christians sow seed God- the Holy Spirit will do the rest and Andries believes that an awesome harvest will come in for the Kindgom of God.


All churches and believers across denominations in all countries are invited to participate in Witnessing Week. The Witnessing Week is scheduled to take place in the week of Pentecost as it is the most appropriate time to schedule such an event. We are calling on all pastors of churches wishing to participate to prepare their congregation by carefully planning their sermons and church schedule around the theme of witnessing. The focus would be to prepare church members for the task of being a witness, making it clear that everyone has a story to tell and that they can share it with anyone in any circumstance.

A simple guide on how to lead someone to Christ (not a formula) and the tract "You've got an inheritance to claim" are available on request.

Participants are then also requested to provide Newborn Ministry with feedback after the witnessing week as to what the impact was from the perspective of their members and the community. This will be shared on our blog. 


We are calling on churches and witnesses to consider complimenting this initiative through considering the following additional initiatives to form part of the Witnessing Week.

  • Start an evangelism outreach in your community

  • Organise an interdenominational outdoor evangelistic crusade

  • Placing newspaper,magazine , tv and radio adverts and even billboards about God's love during Witnessing Week.


There is a range of witnessing gear that could be considered for your specific needs during Witnessing Week. We have designed multiple options and designs from a simple ribbon to young and trendy shirts. We have printed ribbon with the words "I believe- ask me why" in a cross in different colours which is available on request. You can also request for us to send you the design. The ribbon is compulsory as it will be the international token for Witnessing Week but you may add any of the other options as well. The only provision is that the Newborn Ministry Logo should be displayed on the gear as originally designed.

Should you wish to purchase gear from Newborn Ministry  please email us at

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