Days until Witnessing Week
12 May 2024- 19 May 2024
In order to order the official tokens for witnessing week please fill out the order
form below. You will then receive an invoice and payment method of your choice.
Once payment is received you will receive your goods within 14 days.
Token Prices:
1-20 Tokens R5.00 per token
21-100 Tokens R2.50 per token
101-150 Tokens R1.50 per token
151 + Tokens R1.00 per token
Please also indicate if you are interested in the following items for more information:
Printed Tracts
Printed Witnessing Guides

Promotional Videos
Short Promotional Video- 5 min
Long Promotional Video- 7 min
Make Your own Tokens

An A4 page of pre-designed tokens that you can print out and use

An A4 page of tokens ready to print out and use.
English Resources

Some helpful information

Z-folder for promoting to your friends and congregation

A short guide with information a basic introduction on how to witness.

A booklet for newly converted Christians

English poster in A1 size

A tract to help with Witnessing Week

A tract to help with Witnessing Week

Afrikaans Resources

n' Traktaakie

n' Basiese Gids met inlugting oor hoe om jou getuinis maklik te deel met ander mense.

Behulpsame inlugtings blad

n' Inlugtingsboekie

A1 Poster- Afrikaans

Other Language Resources

Portuguese Witnessing Guide

Everyone wants to go to Heaven-Portuguese

Witnessing Guide Telagu

Witnessing Guide in Swahili

Tout le monde veut aller au paradis

Witnessing Guide in French

Witnessing Guide-Chechewa